God is calling us to establish a new base, and we are quickly falling in love with the small European country of Portugal. Our team was a bit surprised to sense God’s nudge to explore this well-developed, modern country. After two “scouting” trips, we have prayerfully discerned that our experiences here will be very different from our other locations. So, you might ask, why would we go there?

Nearly 90% of the population is Roman Catholic, but only 4% are church attenders. Their religious observance is based in tradition, but few live in the reality of relationship with a God who loves them.
God is calling us to walk with the people of Portugal as they question deeply and discover a living, vibrant, and relational faith. We honestly confess that we do not know how to do this!...But we know the One Who does, and so we pray and ask God to show us the way to effectively share His heart for them. Please pray with us as we depend on God for direction, provision, and wisdom as we proceed.

We have seen the beauty of Portugal and her people. We see that God wants to bring hope, transformation, and restoration. We have said “YES!” and are willing to follow His lead.
Ephesians 2:10 – We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them